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70% of the Feng Shui of our places is determined by the external environment

Analyzing the environment is KEY in understanding Feng Shui in our home. In an urban environment, this includes roads, rivers, the buildings that surround us, their natures (church, school, home, offices, rail station, etc.), their shapes, the location of elements such as chimneys, electric poles, streetlights and many other points. This analysis is fundamental to evaluate the QUALITY of the Qi which surrounds us and which then enters and spreads into our interior. The quality of our environment directly impacts our homes and business and by extension our well-being. The challenge is therefore to live in an environment that will protect our health, boost our careers, nourish our relationships and develop our inner harmony.

Because what the environment and our place do not provide must then be compensated by our POSTURE and our EFFORTS to live a harmonious life... which can sometimes be exhausting! A PROTECTIVE environment can compensate for poor inner Feng Shui. However, the reverse is not true ... During a Feng Shui expertise, the environment is studied to understand how energy CIRCULATES around us and how it affects us. For example, we look at the SHAPE of the roads, the type of Qi they convey (aggressive if the road is very busy or soft) and their ORIENTATION. As roads are associated with WEALTH / career energy, their analysis is crucial.

We also look at the buildings that are on both sides of our house because they will represent the COUPLE, but also our ability to THINK and to be in ACTION. We assess the quality of what is in front of us: do we have a nice PERSPECTIVE which invites us to propel ourselves in our projects or on the contrary a wall which will bring BLOCKAGES in our projects? And what do we have in our BACK? Like a turtle, what we have on our back protects us from what we can't see. In Feng Shui, the buildings in the back are associated with our health and the harmony of our family. If our TURTLE is weakened by a road for example, we will probably have to take care of our HEALTH, we may take longer to heal and we will have to make efforts to maintain our family's HARMONY. These are examples that illustrate how the quality of our environment can affect the quality of Qi around us. It is this energy which will then enter our home sweet home through the front door - which we call the mouth of Qi - will circulate and spread throughout the habitat.

Hence the interest in becoming aware of our environment is key:

  • ideally BEFORE investing in a new place because we can maximize the chances of being well supported ...

  • or AFTER having invested in a place because we can shed light on the life issues we face and find solutions.


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